Sustainable remediation approaches

Ginkgo favours in-situ/on-site remediation techniques to optimize costs, reduce environmental impact and enable faster completion of remediation and re-development planning

Environmental liability assessment and remediation strategy design are carried out by Ginkgo’s dedicated team of environmental specialists. Ginkgo gives priority to environmentally friendly remediation approaches based on the degradation of pollutants, with treatments as close as possible to the source in order to avoid transfers and reduce the carbon footprint of the interventions. These strategies also reduce the exposure of people and property to harmful chemicals.  Treatment off-site is carried out only where space is limited or when the timetable is too tight. Landfilling is limited to its minimum and used only for inorganic pollutants. 


The Ginkgo team works on proven processes using the principles of biodegradation (biological treatments, anaerobic aerobics), volatilization (venting, bioventing, double phase extraction, in-situ thermal desorption) and chemistry (washing, flushing, chemical reduction, chemical oxidation, zero iron dehalogenation). Ginkgo's experts take part in technology watch and follow research and development programs in order to select the best technologies available on the market for each project.