Choisy le Roi
Year of acquisition
Former use
The old foundry
The grounds of this former foundry located in the immediate vicinity of Paris were the subject of an heavy metal, hydrocarbon and chromium pollution. The municipality of Choisy-le-Roi approved the modification of the local urban plan in September 2015 in order to allow the development of a 36'200 sqm mixed use project.
The volume of soil treated off-site was optimised by recycling a large amount of inert soil on site. Recycled soil was used to create a landscaped embankment along the entire length of the site, providing visual and acoustic insulation for buildings along neighbouring SNCF tracks.
Chromium 6 pollution was chemically reduced in situ through injections of sodium bisulphite allowing its degradation into chromium 3, prior to its definitive treatment. This treatment, as well as the removal of asbestos from the land, was completed in 2015.